Original research article I
Dream it.
The vision of this manuscript was developed just as the seminal concept paper was being finalised. It was over a casual coffee that we developed the rationale - that this platform could be just what the doctor ordered when it comes to cellular therapy for acute myeloid leukaemia.
Build it.
Weeks of intensive research and lots of back and forth ensued. We built and developed the project idea into a potential story, and delved into the various experiments we identified as necessary to prove what we envisaged. We understood the tools that we needed to build, in terms of antibody production, T cell engineering approaches, the establishment of relevant in vitro and in vivo models, and the establishment and coordination of a dedicated team of students, scientists and collaborators.
Grow it.
Once everything was in place, we proceeded to prove our ideas experimentally. The writing process followed, in which we presented our ideas and findings in the context of the cellular therapy and acute myeloid leukaemia fields. We were able to apply our ‘Graphit’ model to the writing, figures, legends and structure of the paper. The final product surpassed what we had initially thought-up.